Bach Animal HealingPlease note that this service is only available to Animal Voice students.
Bach Flower Remedies are the 'medicines' for emotions. It can be used for humans, babies, animals and even plants.
To select the appropriate Bach Flower Remedies, a client's current emotion outlooks and personalities needed to identified. For humans, this can be done through a verbal consultation. But for animals, how do we talk to them to find out how they are feeling? Pet owners can help to provide some information through daily observation. However, there are some emotions and feelings which can not be simply understood through observing the animal's behaviours. This is why Joanne would use Animal Communication skills to communicate directly with the animals to find out if there is anything bothering them. Many pet owners are surprised to learn about how their animals are feeling which they were not able to observed previously. If you are not sure if your furkids or pets need a Bach Animal Healing session, here are some (but not exhaustive) examples of when they will benefit greatly from Bach Flower Remedies: - Behavioural issues - Aggression - Hyper active - Separation anxiety - Sickness - Moody or depressed - Lethargic - Lost of appetite - Excessive shedding or skin issues - Fears and phobias (e.g. thunder, vet visit, grooming, boarding) - Pre and post surgery - Physical or emotional trauma - No will to live - etc. Charges of the Bach Animal Healing: